Chicago Location
1275 W Roosevelt RdChicago, IL
Canada 60185
Since we use the most talented tradesmen in the industry and highest quality materials, we are not afraid to offer a warranty that you won't find elsewhere, not even when buying a new home!
As an active BILD Member and Renomark Certified Contractor, you can be confident in choosing AGM Basements for your project.
We employ only the most professional drywall installers whose goal is to deliver complete satisfaction to each and every client.
Our drywall taping techniques will bring a high-quality smooth finish, with a level of excellence you will take pride in.
We include all wall priming, painting of ceilings, baseboards, casing, crown and cove moldings into our basement construction packages.
Shower, bathroom, and kitchenette tiling will be done by professional tile installers who are employed directly by AGM.
We employ only the most professional drywall installers whose goal is to deliver complete satisfaction to each and every client.
We employ only the most professional drywall installers whose goal is to deliver complete satisfaction to each and every client.
Book an appointment at one of our design centres to sit down with our designer to create your dream basement and receive your design and a detailed quote on the spot.
AGM Renovations has proudly partnered up with 360 kids to help children in need today to have an opportunity to become the homeowners of tomorrow. AGM will contribute a portion of deposits made for service or design appointments that are cancelled to 360° Kids to help a child in need.